How can I trade metals (Gold and Silver) with SuperForex?
With SuperForex, you can trade Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Palladium on the MT4 trading platform. To trade precious metals, you need t...
What's the spread/commission of metals (Gold and Silver) on SuperForex MT4?
On SuperForex MT4, you can trade precious metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium) with no commissions. The only cost you need to c...
Can I earn Swap Points on metals (Gold and Silver) on SuperForex MT4?
Yes, there are swap points credited or charged when trading CFDs on Precious Metals. Swap points are credited or charged depending on ...
Which Cryptocurrency pairs are available for trading on SuperForex MT4?
On SuperForex's Crypto account, you can trade the following Cryptocurrency pairs. ETHUSD (Ethereum vs USD) BTCUSD (Bitcoin vs USD) ...
How can I trade Cryptocurrency pairs with SuperForex?
To trade Cryptocurrency pairs with SuperForex, you need to open a "Crypto" account. There are standard Crypto account, ECN Crypto acco...
Can I buy actual Cryptocurrencies on SuperForex MT4?
No, with SuperForex you cannot buy or sell actual Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. With SuperForex, you can invest in CFDs ...
Can I earn swap points (interest rate) of Cryptocurrency pairs on SuperForex MT4?
Yes, when trading Cryptocurrency pairs on SuperForex MT4, there are swap points for orders carried over to the next day in the server tim...
What's the spread/commission of Cryptocurrency pairs on SuperForex MT4?
The spread (difference of bid and ask price) is different depending on the Cryptocurrency pair you trade. See the table below for the ...
What's the difference of Crypto and ECN Crypto Swap Free account types?
With SuperForex, you can trade Cryptocurrency pairs with either "Crypto" or "ECN Crypto Swap Free" account types. SuperForex's standar...
Why Cryptocurrency pairs aren't listed on my SuperForex MT4 platform?
SuperForex offers Cryptocurrency pairs only on "Crypto" account type. If you are logged into an account of another type, then you cann...